The study conducted by a team of researchers from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, further found that although premature babies grow up to become a productive member of the society, they are at a greater risk of staying unemployed. In addition, such individuals tend to have low self-respect, insufficient income and chronic health issues.
During the study, the researchers assessed the lifestyle and functioning of 100 individuals aged between 29 and 36. All of these individuals were born with a birth weight less than 2.2 pounds, which is characterized as extremely low. Their data was compared to that of …show more content…
The researchers say that a number of these differences in terms of social and economic challenges can be attributed to the neurological impairment and trauma that extremely premature infants may go through, including blindness and cerebral palsy.
On top of that, personality differences may also contribute to these characteristics. While these personality differences might also affect other normal individuals, research shows that people born with low birth weight are more likely to be shy and suffer from mental health problems such as anxiety and depression, This, in turn, prevent them from fighting the competitive job market.
The researchers say that their study results can help devise strategies to help the next generation of premature babies so that they have to face less of these lifelong challenges.
The complete details of the study have been published in the journal JAMA