General information:
Belize is the country in Central America. Capital of Belize is The Belmopan city. The currency of Belize is belizean dollar. Population of Belize is 350 000 people.
Belize got independence in 1981 from Great Britain.
Economical advantage.
Tourism in Belize is the most important part of country’s budget. About 40% of impacts comes from tourism. Belize is the popular place among European tourists. There are a lot of beautiful places in Belize as usually tourists rent aircrafts or boats and travel in the rain forest. Many local people take part in that kind of business, which is connected with foreign tourists. International tourism gives a lot of working places for the local community - waiters, maids, drivers and another kinds of jobs. One of the main parts of Belize’s tourism is fishing. Every year Belize organized competition of fisherman. Main reason of competition is rich fishing area and a lot of kinds of fish in the coast of Belize. The flora and fauna of Belize are very rich; some animals and birds live only in Belize.
Economical disadvantages.
The main threat for the tourism in Belize comes from natural disasters, like heavy tropical rains, tornados and hurricanes. People has to live in the coast side part of country, which is prone to hurricanes and typhoons, to take part in tourism. Belize is subsidized country, The UN supports economy of Belize by the Helsinki convention from 1975, about supporting and subsidizing poor countries and makes the effort against poverty. Unfortunately, tourism impact is seasonable. Some months is lack of the tourists and local people had to lose financial supporting.
Cultural and traditional disadvantages.
Belize is the Latin-American country, with its own tradition. Unfortunately, many tourists had influenced to the local tradition. As example, a lot of religious devotions are become a like a show