“As a registered nurse or midwife, you are personally accountable for your practice. In caring for patients and clients, you must: respect the patient or client as an individual; obtain consent before you give any treatment or care; protect confidential information; cooperate with others in the team; maintain your professional knowledge and competence; be trustworthy and act to identify and minimize risk to patients and clients” NMC (2004).
With this in mind it highlights how important it has been for the mentor to recognise Allison’s weaknesses in her clinical practice if she is going to be signed off as fit to practice.
Firstly to ensure that the mentor supports Allison in her practice it is advantageous to define and examine the term “mentor”, characterising both good and poor features so that the mentor can achieve a fair assessment. If we explore the hypothetical causes, which may be influencing Allison’s practice, then the mentorship process will address learning, teaching and assessment of competence and we can provide a respectable level of support for Allison.
The development of an action plan, a fair assessment and good mentorship will be crucial to Allison’s success. Following on from this, in the event should Allison not
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