Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning
In this assignment I will be talking about key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to my own role. I will reflect on the Teacher/Training cycle and make reference to where my role is relevant and any boundaries. I will also be talking about ground rules and how to promote appropriate behavior and respect.
Legislation is needed for a civilised society to function properly.Legislation a legal requirement .Code of Practice is a set of rules outlining how a person in a particular situation is expected to behave. Schools are obliged to comply with current laws and codes of practice, and meet the requirements of them. Legislation ensures that students are all given the same opportunities and level of care. For example:
The Special Education (SEN) Code of Practice 2001 Gives guidance to settings and sets out the processes and procedures that organisations should follow to meet the needs of learner. A child has special educational needs (SEN) if he or she has learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for him or her to learn and require extra support. SEN could include a learning need or emotional and behavioral needs. This act ensures children have the right to a mainstream education, schools must be able to manage the range of needs and integrate students into mainstream school. This Act ensures students with special education needs are included (inclusion) and have the same opportunities as everyone else. In my setting work must be differentiated to meet the learners’ individual needs, and ensure learners can achieve to the best of their ability. My role is follow are settings SEN policy, to ensure learners receive an adequate amount of additional support on a regular basis.
The Data Protection Act