Courtney Serwa
English 4
11 May 2017 Pharmeuticals
How do you feel about some prescription drugs? Do they harm us while supposed to be helping us with our health problems? Prescription drugs are supposed to treat and cure diseases when some harm and kill us because they are not being used right or they are being used too much. Most drugs are becoming an addiction, and there are more overdoses occurring for over prescription drug use. Pharmeuticals drugs are being used the wrong way and being taken too much when they are not even needed. There are pros and cons of Pharmeuticals drugs and how they affect society today. They should be monitored and people should …show more content…
be educated more about the drug they are using.
First, some prescription drugs help for problems that are short term problems and if they are trying to be used as long term medication it should not be used and should find another way to help the body.
Drugs can be used for short term illness such as high blood pressure but not for life long illness because you aren’t getting any better you are just using the drug and having the toxic chemicals in the body when it’s not helping and can potentially be a risk if kept using. The drugs that are being taken aren’t good. “Not all drugs are used to treat serious illness. Some treat small aliments from time to time with great success” (The pro and con par 4). Drugs should be used only for short term illness and not kept using for long term problems. Pharmaceuticals can be used for short term problems where there is no point in using them more and more for long term problems.
Secondly, prescription drugs help day to day health problems with the functioning of body. Prescription drugs help the body to maintain a body function. “These drugs help stimulate and mimic a well-functioning body. There are number of people whose lives are saved daily because of prescription drugs” (The pro and con par 2). This is one of the ways that a Pharmeuticals drug help people in the society with daily living problems that can be cured. Shows that a prescription drug is used in a way that was resulted in …show more content…
To add, benefits of advertising these Pharmeuticals drugs on commercials around the world. Drug advertisement have good outcomes and negativity ones “Prescription drugs advertisement encourage people to seek medical advice from health professionals” (pro and con arguments par 1). Drug ads help society to want to seek help from professionals to get cured with the drugs they see on these ads. Not all these ads help with their problem and some be false advertising and won’t really help them so it’s a good and bad in the situation. When Pharmeuticals can benefit society in ways that are good and they can harm society in ways that are bad. Pharmeuticals advertisement can help with a person stigma and wellbeing when reviewing the advertisement. More people are learning how to deal with these diseases the “Prescription drug ads help remove the stigma associated with certain diseases and medical conditions” (pro and con par 5). This removes the fear of people not feeling comfortable with talking to people or doctors about their disease. When Pharmeuticals are being displayed on television, newspapers or any other social media around the world it helps build money for the companies that are providing these drugs.“Prescription drug advertisement creates revenue for drug companies which can be used for research and development to create new life changing drugs” (pro and con 6).The ways Pharmeuticals drugs harm society with the chemicals that are in them and that we are putting our body. Additionally, Pharmeuticals drug killed a man in prison when he prescribed a drug got his injection of Midazolam. “At prison a prison in southeast Arkansas late Thursday, happened in minutes after the state injected Kenneth D. William with a large dose of midazolam”(Arkansas Governor rebuff par 2). A prescription drug was giving to an inmate at Arkansas state correctional facility and he died of an overdose after being injected by a nurse for a Pharmeuticals drug. This shows that large doses of drugs can kill you and that things happen where you are not expected to kill yourself taking the drug when you do and it kills you from being too strong. Next To, The safety of disposing Pharmeuticals drugs and how they affect the environment when done. “FDA believes that the known risk of harm to humans from accidental exposure to these medicines far outweighs any potential risk of humans or the environment from flushing them”, the agency says in fact sheet”(safety and disposing par 3). The chemicals can be very harmful to other thing even when you are trying to safely remove the drugs from the home. That pharmaceutical drugs are not being disposed correctly and can potential harm the environment around you. “Long strong pain medication, can be dangerous and or even fatal if a single dose is even taken accidently. Flushing removes them safely from the home, while disposing of them in the garbage, even mixed with dirt or cat litter, and might still pose a risk. As for the overall risk of drugs in waste stream, many drugs have traveled via human waste into streams and rivers” (safety and disposing par 4). The chemicals that are in these drugs that we are taken and are disposing them in the toilet or garbage can end up in our waste stream and end up in streams or rivers and can harm other living things. Safety and disposing are a risk to the environment but really haven’t been proven exactly how and where it’s actually going. “The possible environmental impact is not fully known, but amounts comparable to those found in the water supply have been found in some studies to have harmful effects on birds and animals”(safety and disposing par 5). The drugs we think we are getting rid of by disposing them by flushing are going into the water supply and are affecting other human things. Lastly, prescription drug ads has increased the cost of health care. “78% of doctors surveyed in 2013 agreed that Direct to consumer prescription drugs advertisement increased the cost of health care over these years” (pro and con par 3). Health care cost went up due to the advertisement for Pharmeuticals drugs. Prescription drugs affect the world in some way which we don’t know they do which one is the cost of health care. Physicians are now feeling like they have to prescribe an inappropriate drug to a patient even when they know it’s bad. “Health care professionals may feel pressured by direct to consumer prescription drugs that may not be in the best interest of the patient”(pro and con 5).Prescription drugs can help in ways and which they can bring a negative impact to the world. Pharmeuticals are affecting the society in more bad ways then good.
There are a lot of addictions occurring from Pharmeuticals drugs people are misusing them and using too much of them.
The Prescription drugs are not advertised everywhere in the world to make people want to buy these drugs that are being used.
“Direct to consumer drug advertisement are banned in every country but the United States and New Zealand” (pro and con par 8). Many people are taken drugs just to take them not knowing what these drugs are doing to their body. The age group that misuse Pharmeuticals are teens because the way the world is today they see others taking drugs they want to try them and buy them or even sell them on the street. These drugs are being used by people who are not attended to use of the prescription. “Prescription drugs are subject to misuse by those who were not intended to take the drug. Once the prescription has been written and filled, it's out of the doctor's hands” (the pro and cons par 3). When the doctor’s write the prescription it’s out of their hands who are taken the drugs other than the person it was intended for .The prescription drug advertisement make them want to try it because they think it’s gone help with their problems and make them feel better when its only hurting you. Drugs are now being taken for fun and not for real reasons. The dangers of these Pharmeuticals are resulting in a lot of addictions and death. Pharmeuticals are being used the wrong way and affecting the world in multiple ways. Drugs are being taken with no real use of them they should be monitored and used only when needed. The drugs that are being prescribed are not being
view of what’s in the drugs and are they addictive, will they harm me in any way. Prescription drugs can be benefited from and not benefited from at the same time and need to be watched how used. More people will be overdosing on Pharmeuticals because they are not monitored in anyway. They aren’t researched enough and potentially giving to keep harming the world. Pharmeuticals are now affecting society in more bad ways then good ways. We should watch how we use them, and disposing of them and getting prescribed them not knowing the harm of them.
The Pharmaceutical drugs industry are coming up on making money of drugs that aren’t being used right and not being disposed of right and these drugs are affecting the society in ways that harm us and ways that will benefit at the same time. As people getting prescribed these drugs and using them for the side effect not thinking that it’s harming the body. Pharmaceutical drugs are being sold on the street and giving to people that it is bot attended to and more overdoses are Occurring and death from prescription drugs. Prescriptions are mixed drugs and more of these drugs are being made and most of them are based off cannabis and other drugs people use every day. That’s why when people get prescribed these drugs by doctors they get do addicted to them because they have already being buying and selling these products off the street. Prescription drugs should not be taken if not need and they are a bad use for addiction and other uses as well. Drugs are being a pollution to the world at this point because of the people who are using and buying them every day with attention of use.