P_RO_O_O_c_1 PDS: 1-16
GU_IT_erl_t: SUperseI &10 l-10
Neme,, . _ nrkc Gnphlte Anoryhout Gnphite Ctey Siticr Tdc Ilcrtrin '
_ OSHApcl CAS# . ,. N.iosL 77t242-S 2.5 2.5 778?,42-5 2,5 2.5 [5'15" l?32-58-57 t4g0g60-? 0.051o lI 14t0?-96-6 2.0 2.0 9004-53-9
"Retpirablc fraction -
ACSF t{v 2.5 2..5 l0 0.I 2.0
_ _,
in mluesacprcsscd mg/m3
TotalDust I Respirablc dust
IEYSfCIi.I+9fffARACTE&ISIICS polnt N/D Frccziog htcttingpoint: N/A point: N/A BoiHng N/A Subllmcs: Evrporathu: NIA
. . N/A Vrpor Prcssurc: VeporDcnsity:N/A Ihnsity (g/cc):2.579 E2o Solubility:5 o/o 'Z Volrtller: 5 o/o
- --.
odor. Appceranttlnd odon blrck to graypowdcr,.......l{o
pJ(rrosrpH RqacTrvTfy DATA . ANrn nrsh Point: none
r.imits: YN"/s Flrmmeblc (cxplosive) [IEL: none LEL: none fnr mediasultable the Use Ertinguishiag Mcdir: This matuial is non-combustible. extinguishing urnoundingfrre. SpccielFircfighting Pruccdurts: If this materialis involv€din a fire-fightingsituatiorl CO and of by cornbustion the graphite. A full-fape,air-zupplicd COr maybc generatcd the incornplete expo$rrcto carbon respiratorydeviceis recommended prevcntpossible to positivepressure, monoxide. File: MS 0?l -.doc
FageI of2
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R E C E l | , tJ U L S l g s g n ?
[.inusurl or E*nlo*ioo F*e Uu"a creneral Reactfuiq' rnformsdon: produst u ,tulr. matcriai The i,
Incnmpetibilit"v: contastwith strong oxidizenshourd avoidcd be
o^LrH *zARD-*oR}ttttLf one ofthe constituents otffi
tltqllRcEr{c**Roqpo{tRE$ _ asq,rurtz rnE -"te"iffir"g*
Itha; uccn not aetermi*,1 lever crysrauinatr'tar me siricir;d;
Dustin highconcentrations may yolllg to eyes.Flushwirh rvatersnd svoid prolonged ,rr t repeeted contact. conruk a phyrician if irrltedon penisn. Prclonged breathing dustmaycause of cancer, pulmonary fibrosis, anphlsen:a.