Vaccinations have been around since the early 1800s, the controversy surrounding them have been around since this time as well. Vaccinations have transformed the medical world, changing the ways diseases are handled and been able to actively prevent dangerous outbreaks spreading worldwide that could possibly wipe out an entire continent. Before the creation and usage of vaccinations humankind was devastated continuously by diseases, that very well could have been prevented. Looking into the present day vaccinations are required in Michigan for all children attending public school, unless their parent and/or legal guardian exempt them by virtue of religious, philosophical, or medical reasoning. Parents easily …show more content…
This is untrue, although vaccinaes do contain aluminum, formaldehyde, and antifreeze these chemicals are used to help stabalize the vaccine solutions so it can reach its full effetivness. To have a fully effrctive vaccine it mostly ocntains water and antigens but, Vaccines do contain aluminum salts; these are used to enhance the body's immune response, stimulating greater antibody production and making the vaccine more effective. Although aluminum can cause greater redness or swelling at the injection site, the tiny amount of aluminum in vaccines—less than what kids get through breast milk, formula, or other sources—has no long-term effect and has been used in some vaccines since the 1930s, this is imporant to show parents becuase they will relaize that it is okay to have thier chikdren vaccinaaed although it doe scontoan chemiclas that seem frightening. One medical profession says "Allumium is in our soil, in our water, in the air. You'd have to leave the planet to avoid exposure," says pediatrician and Parents advisor Ari Brown, M.D., of Austin, Texas. The use of vaccines also poses the risk of anaphylactic reactions, these are extremely rare but can happen. The chance of an anaphylactic reaction to happen is roughly once or twice per 1 million doses. This happens mostly when the vaccinations contain trace amounts of egg protein, but recent studies have shown that kids with egg allergies can often still receive them. Overall the effectiveness of vaccines is only helped by chemicals used to stabilize them and their safety is