Presentation Using Technology a Personal Reflection
In planning this presentation, I was faced with many challenges. The most important challenge was how to conduct a presentation without actually being present. I learnt through this process how much I was out of touch with the technologies in all areas including teaching. Over the years I took a simple: “if I need it” approach; “I learnt it”. I realise now that this was a mistake of ignorance. This module opened up my eyes to the world of technology in a positive way. It is from this view; I then took on the understanding, that, “if I don’t have a piece of technology such as video capabilities then how can I construct a presentation without my presence?” I decided to use the narrative tools on PowerPoint to capture the message of this presentation. Additionally another challenge faced within this concept of teaching is that without being present you miss so much interactivity. Including the cues provided by the body language and questions provided by the participants.
I selected the topic on “accounting technologies” for a number of reasons: firstly, I have been exposed to a number of accounting programs, simple and complex. Secondly: knowing this presentation was to assist our colleagues in developing ways of teaching students with some simple and free to access programs. Finally, I thought this would be an interesting journey to enhance my knowledge of technology and develop new skills.
In the preparation for this topic, I decided that accounting games are always a great way to reinvigorate the learning of students. I took the approach that this module was a light overview about the types of programs available to the educators that could easily be integrated into the classroom environment. With that approach in mind, I found some very interesting accounting games that could easily be adapted to the learning environment whilst reinforcing the content of the syllabus.
In reflection of this presentation I believe there is always