John F. Kennedy was the 35Th President Of The United States, He was called JFK in abbreviation. JFK was assassinated November 22, 1963 At 12:30 P.M and sadly passed 30 minutes later after the Incident. John F. Kennedy was sadly only 46 at the time. He was shot during motorcade through Dealey Plaza and was killed By Lee Harvey Oswald and suffered 2 shots To the neck and 1 shot to the head. The car sped off to Parkland Memorial Hospital…
The next day, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 P.M, Kennedy was fired upon while riding in an open top car in Dallas. The official reports state that there were 3 shots all fired from a rifle on the 6th floor of the…
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was an American politician and World War 2 veteran. He later served as the youngest elected president of the United States from January 1961 to November 1963. The reason for his short term was his assassination in Dallas Texas, on November 22nd, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald was on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository when he shot and killed the 35th president of the United States during the 1963 motorcade. There were several things that could have help prevented this tragedy from happening. Before the motorcade began, John verbally told his secret service men to “back off.” His agents gave him more space then he should have had in the first place. Kennedy had a love for cars, so riding with the top down was a must for him. If he had not been riding with the top down, he wouldn't have been such an easy target. Lastly, the motorcade route was changed at the last minute. He was supposed to go through Main Street and onto the Stemmons Freeway but at the last minute was changed to turn onto Houston Street, then Elm Street. If Kennedy had allowed his Secret Service man to assist him, did not ride with the top down, and stuck with the original motorcade route, Kennedy's assassination could have been prevented.…
As President Kennedy disembarked Air Force One, he was escorted into an open limousine 2nd from the front of the Motorcade, where he was to be driven to a conference in the Trade Mart Building. The original route of the Motorcade was to travel straight down Main Street and into their intended destination. But, on the day of the assassination, the Motorcade made a very sharp 90 degree turn from Main, to Houston street, where the car was slowed down to 25 m/ph, then another sharp turn from Houston, to Elm street, whereby the car was slowed right down to 15 m/ph. Near halfway down Elm street, at approximately 12:31pm, 4 shots were fired. The first bullet struck Kennedy in the throat, the second passed through Governor John Connally's chest and left wrist. The third bullet hit Kennedy in the front of the head, and the fourth was said to have missed all targets. All these bullets were said have been shot from the Texas School Book Depository.The presidents car quickly sped up and rushed to Parkland Memorial hospital where Dr. Paul Peters and Dr. Clark tried their hardest to save JFK's life. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was pronounced dead at 1:04pm. All doctors who witnessed JFK's wounds all state that the president's head was partially destroyed, they say the back right side of the presidents head was missing, and that 20% of his brain was not intact.…
After WWII, many conflicts followed, including the Korean War and Vietnam War. The threat of a nuclear war also affected Karen's life as she recalled the bomb drills they did in school. While many historical events occurred in her life, the assassination of John F. Kennedy stuck out. Kennedy's presidency focused on "..federal aid for education, medical care for the aged, and civil rights legislation,"(Yanak). The event was so great that, "the assassination... in Dallas, Texas, on November 22 1963, was the most resonant news story since the Second World War."(Delano). When he was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, it brought devastation unto the population, and Karen remembers those feeling to this day. The minute she heard the news, Karen rushed out to the boy next door with tears streaming down her face. The boy was a member of the Air Force and he quickly got dressed and drove to the base. Karen was left feeling sad and grieved the lose of a very confident man. Kennedy's death left America shocked, and big shoes for Lyndon B. Johnson to…
John F. Kennedy is one of the nation’s most popular and recognizable presidents of the 20th century. Kennedy is most famous in his presidency for his powerful and inspiring speeches. His positive energy and young yet wise personality made him easy to listen to for all audiences. In fact, on January 20th, 1961 John F. Kennedy delivered one of the most remembered speeches of all time; his inaugural address. At a time of racial tensions, economic hardships, and lingering fears of war, he strived to bring comfort and confidence to the American people. In order to achieve this, Kennedy understood and addressed the need for dire changes to be made for the good of the country, through the involvement of the people. Therefore, Kennedy…
At 12:30pm, on the 22nd of November, 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is shot once through the throat, before being mortally wounded by a second shot, this time to the head. At 12:35pm, the Presidents open limousine arrives at Parkland Memorial Hospital, approximately six kilometres from the site of the shooting (Dealey Plaza, Dallas Texas). At 1pm, President John F Kennedy is officially pronounced dead, and finally, at 1:20pm Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson is notified of JFK’s death. At 2:38pm, two hours and eight minutes after Kennedy’s assassination, Lyndon Baines Johnson is sworn in as the 36th president of the United States of America. Evidence gathered (and available to the public) concerning the assassination of President John F Kennedy overwhelmingly supports the theory of a lone gunman.…
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the thirtieth President of the United States was assassinated on November 22, 1963. He was shot as his motorcade drove through Dallas, Texas, by Lee Harvey Oswald. Even though some people may believe that this killing was justified, the assassination of JFK is unjustified because there are many conspiracy theories and the police investigation was not thorough or documented correctly.…
On the day November 22, 1963 I was waiting in the streets of Dallas, Texas. I remember I was on Main Street at Daley Plaza in Dallas. I had been waiting there for almost two hours and I had the best spot to see Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy roll down the street waving to the crowd. I knew that Kennedy was coming to Texas because we were a major state that he had to win in order to have a good chance of re-election. In those two hours I heard that Kennedy was giving a speech outside of his hotel in Fort Worth and that he was going to take a plane and be arriving shortly. All I remember seeing right before the Kennedys arrived was that there were thousands of people in the streets just waiting to get a glimpse of the president. I also remember people…
Friday, November 22nd, 1963: The President of the United States, John F. Kennedy was traveling through Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. While riding down the street with his wife, Jacqueline, a bullet hit JFK at 12:30 p.m. Two other shots followed and Kennedy was struck. His body was sent to the Parkland Hospital where JFK was pronounced dead. Then against the wishes of Texas authorities, the body was flown to Washington where autopsies were taken place and he was later buried. This was the event of the assassination of our 35th president. There are many supposed reasons and theories as to why the president was shot and still today people try to link together pieces to the story.…
On November 22, 1963, president John F. Kennedy was in Dallas, Texas for a speech at the Dealey Plaza. On his way there, in an open convertible, instead of going down Dallas’ Main St., which they planned to, they decided to go down Elm St. where there were more buildings and a better crowd view. On going down Elm St. now, there were three shots. Two of the shots hit the president, one in the neck and one in the head, and the third shot hit the governor. Ninety seconds after the shots, officers rushed into the Texas School Book Depository to find a man named Lee Harvey Oswald eating his lunch very calmly on the second floor and a sniper rifle on the sixth floor. Lee Harvey Oswald worked at the school book depository and was arrested and put…
The 35th president of the United States was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was traveling in a presidential motorcade with his wife and the Connally couple when a gunshot was heard. Most people in the crowd were not too concerned, misinterpreting the sound as that of a firecracker. Just as Kennedy was waving to the crowd, a second shot pierced Kennedy through the neck. By the time a third shot hit Kennedy in the head a few seconds later, the presidential limousine had already been covered with blood and pieces of brain. Kennedy was immediately sent to Parkland Memorial Hospital, but the wound was fatal (Swanson). The White House Acting Press Secretary announced…
On November 22, 1963, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. The 35th president of the United States of America was shot in Dallas, Texas while in a presidential motorcade. There has been much controversy surrounding his death in regards to both the possible shooter and to the tampering of evidence. Everything from the CIA to JFK’s limousine driver has been part of various theories as to who really killed Kennedy. Officially, Kennedy was shot and killed by Lee Harvey Oswald but many people believe that there were multiple gunmen involved in the assassination.…
J.F. Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. President Kennedy was in downtown Dallas, Texas riding through a parade. He did ride in an open-top convertible the whole way through the parade. The…
Allegedly Lee Harvey Oswald was sitting on the sixth floor of a building as he shot three bullets at JFK, fatally wounding him. Thirty minutes later, JFK was pronounced dead at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital. His killer, Lee Harvey Oswald, tried to flee the scene. While doing so, he ended up killing a policeman that was trying to question him. He was finally caught, but he never made it to a court trial. As he was on his way to a more secure prison, Oswald was fatally shot by Jack Ruby, who was immediately detained. Consequently, Jack Ruby was originally sentenced to death, but the Texas Court of Appeals reversed the decision and Ruby would need to go back to court. Ruby never made it to his court date, due to lung cancer that killed him. JFK was buried in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. “An eternal flame was lit by his widow to forever mark the grave.” The flame still burns today. “A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.” Even though JFK has been assassinated, his ideas and leadership will forever be here.…