Countrywide Financial was a mortgage-banking firm. They had one of the largest market shares in the early 2000s, when the mortgage market was booming. “No company pursued growth in home loans more aggressively than Countrywide” (NY Times 12/10). They were the leader of their industry, with 500 billion in home loans, 62,000 employees, 900 offices, and $200 billion in assets. Everything had been going well for the company and its employees, until the mortgage crisis began to unfold at the end of 2006. In June 2009, the SEC filed a civil suit against the founder of the business and some of his top management for fraud and insider trading. This came at the height of the mortgage crisis in the US. The founder of Countrywide, Angelo Mozilo, finally agreed to pay $45million in profits and $22.5 million in civil penalties, in which he still admits no wrongdoing.…