In no particular order of priority or chronology of presentation, following are the nine (9) reform proposals which are deemed as doable, implementable and budget-feasible: • Establishment of the National Coordinating Council for Education (NCCE)
The trifocalization of the education sector into DECS, CHED, and TESDA in 1992 has allowed the departments concerned to focus more sharply on their respective mandates. Over time, however, a growing need has been felt for greater coordination among departments. A proposal is to create the National Coordinating Council of Education (NCCE). The time is ripe for such a body to be formed in order to resolve trans-subsectoral concerns e.g. as an assessment mechanism and articulation between levels, and a more harmonized approach to total education planning and resource allocation. Lately, the three bodies mentioned have been meeting informally to address concerns that have surfaced, e.g., "possibilities of overlapping, duplicating, disjointed plans and policies, priorities and concerns, as the case may be." A draft of the relevant