Œum fUtlql vrhag
- Ju fUtlql rslfUt mkckÆt Œum/berzgt mu ni Wànü Œum fUtlql fUnt st;t ni
The laws related with press are named as press laws. These are also designated as media laws.
Y - Œr;ckÆttÀbfU Œf]Ur;
Œum ytvt;fUt˜el NrÿUgtâ yrÆtfUth 1931
Press Emergency power right act 1931
Œum ytvrÀ;slfU mtbd{e yrÆtrlgb 1951 Press objectionable material Act 1951
ytvrÀ;slfU mtbd{e fUt Œô;wr;fUhK ytih ŒfUtNl 1976
Presentation & publication of objectionable material 1976
Rl fUtlqltü yŒCtJNe˜ fUhlu fuU r˜Y mbg-mbg vh =uN bü ytk=tu˜l rfUY dY> WÿU ;eltü yrÆtrlgb yc yrô;ÀJ bü lné ni
Due to opposition & movement above acts are no more in existence
ce - rlgtbfU Œf]Ur; fuU fUtlql
Laws of regulatory nature
- Œum Ykz hrsôx[uNl ytpVU cw¢m Y¢x 1867
Press & Registration of Books Act 1867 Wæuëg - ŒfUtNl rJrlgbl
¶bseJe vºtfUth ;:t yàg mbtath vºt fUbeo yrÆtrlgb 1955 Working & other news paper employees (conditions of service) & misclinious provisions act 1955 Wæuëg - Œum fULbgtü fUe =Nt mwÆtthlt
fuUc˜ xu˜erJsl luxJfoU rlgbl yrÆtrlgb 1995
Cable Telivision Network regulation Act 1995
Cth;eg Œum vrhM= yrÆtrlgb 1966
Indian Press Council Act 1966 àgtgt˜g fUe yJbtllt yrÆtrlgb 1971
Contempt of Court act 1971
mhfUthe dtuvleg;t yrÆtrlgb 1923 Official Secrets act 1923
fUtpve htRx Y¢x 1957
Copy right act 1957
rmlubuxtud{tVUe Y¢x 1952
Cenematography act 1952
Œmth Cth;e yrÆtrlgb -1990
Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) Act 1990
x[uz btfoU Y¢x -1958
Trade Mark Act - 1958
vuxüx Y¢x -1970
Patent Act -1970
rmrJ˜ Ykz rf{Urbl˜ ˜tp ytpVU rzVuUbuNl
Civil & criminal law of defamation mtRch ˜t/ytRoxe Y¢x - 2000
Cyber Law/ Information Technology act - 2000
;:t yàg fUtlql
And other laws