Many industries in the UK and abroad have similar pressures from groups and environmentalists which cause severe problems to the company’s credibility and causes issues to customers knowing the fact that the company is facing problems.
In the United Kingdom itself there are groups that pressure companies with environmental factors they are:
For Environment:
Campaign for Better Transport
Campaign to Protect Rural England
Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales
Climate Camp
Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Friends of the Earth Scotland
Forum for the Future
Surfers against Sewage
Rowers against Thames Sewage (RATS)
Waste Watch
Rights Of Way Alliance Neath (Rowan)
Women's Environmental Network
For Food:
Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) aFood Commission
Sustain the alliance for better food and farming.
The pressures are due to the customers also. Some of them insist that the bags for chips should be eco-friendly while other applauds Frito-Lay for its green efforts. Because of this, Frito-Lays sales have dipped as they introduced the eco-friendly
Frito-Lay was threatened to be sued by a news service company and The Centre for Science in the public interest (CSPI) after Frito-Lay switched the name on its olestra-laden snack line.
This came into picture when FDA withdrew a requirement that companies warn customers of Olestra possible side effects. Centre for Science in the Public interest speculated that Frito Lay was trying to set apart its low-fat chips from the previous olestra warnings.
After the warnings Frito-Lay made a settlement with CSPI in which Frito-Lay agreed to post Olestra Logo more transparent and also by adding the phrase “Made with Olestra” more flagrantly.
Executive director of CSPI, Michael F. Jacobson said in a press statement about the settlement that Frito lay agreed to