> Directed by Garry Marshall, Pretty Woman is a romantic comedy and a modernized Cinderella. The story involves the evolution of the relationship between the two protagonists, Vivian (Julia Roberts) and Edward Lewis (Richard Gere). In the film how a business arrangement between a business magnate and a prostitute quickly becomes a genuine loving relationship. In addition to their complex business relationship, Edward’s lawyer Phil (Jason Alexander) is one of many obstacles to the desired “fairy tale ending.” Edward and Vivian are two broken individuals. Vivian is prostitute who is dealing with the vicissitudes of life and Edward is a divorced man who recently broke up with his girlfriend. Vivian and Edward bring out the best in each other. The love they share transcends any class and wealth differences. At first Vivian was looked upon with contempt because of her “trashy” and uncouth appearance, however as the movie progressed, the general attitude towards her change. Edward i!
> s a workaholic and uses his job as a ruthless corporate baron to recede from the pain and loneliness of his own life. With Vivian, his main priority is no longer work and he can finally relax and truly be himself.
> The story begins with the accidental meeting of the two protagonists. Edward has no idea how to drive a stick-shift car and solicits the help of Vivian, a prostitute from the Los Angeles strip. Upon arriving to Edward’s hotel, Vivian is invited upstairs and Edward pays Vivian for the night. She wants to have sex right after she gets paid, but Edward only wants to talk. He feels lonely because his last relationship failed recently. The two could not be more opposite. Vivian has no knowledge of upper society, their customs, or expectations. When room service comes up she doesn’t tip the server; this is one example of her naiveté of high society life. She says she lives “moment to moment.” Richard on the other hand plans everything and is afraid of heights.