1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Design of the programme a. Title b. Target c. Goal d. Objectives i. Knowledge level ii. Skill level iii. Attitude level e. Strategy and method f. Duration 4. Outcome Evaluation 5. Boundaries and Potential Limitations 6. Reference 7. Appendix
Individual Project plan of Prevention of Cyber Bullying
1. Introduction This is a project plan of health education and promotion school programme. It is designed by the students of Bachelor of Health Education (Hons) in Hong Kong institute of Education. The topic is prevention of Cyber Bullying. This programme is designed for the target group of secondary four students. The programme is adapted into a lesson of civil education of forty-five duration. The venue will be a classroom in secondary school. The resources are collected from the government departments, some non-government organisations (NGOs) and internet then we tailor-made it for the target teenagers. The aims of this programme are to reveal a clear definition and the harmful effects of Cyber Bullying to the target, then provide them some skills to handle the probable situations of bullying. Finally our destination is to correct some misconception of bullying is acceptable behavior in schools among partial students.
2. Background The definition of “Cyber Bullying” should be as “an intentional, aggressive act or behaviour that is carried out by a group or an individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend himself or herself” (Peter Smith, Jess Mahdavi, Manuel Carvalho and Neil Tippett, 2008). The current situation of cyber bullying in HK has become more serious. A survey conducted on primary four to secondary six students by an NGO, Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) in 2009. A total of 908 surveys were collected. The result of the survey showed that nearly 20% of adolescent participants had experienced cyber bullying (HKCS, 2009): There were 18% young