You should know the factors for the development of nationalism
Colonial factor (political, economic and social impact of colonial rule; colonial powers response to rise of nationalism)
Nationalist factor (esp the impact of western education and role of leaders esp in the 1920s and 1930s)
Inherent/contextual SEA factor (culture & religion)
External factor (impact of external events and foreign ideologies)
You should know the specific role of the different factors
Impact of colonial rule explains the initial impetus for native dissatisfaction which was due to the dislocation and marginalisation from the politics, economy and the traditional society. This alienation would continue throughout the colonial rule entrenching anti-colonial sentiments. Role of Western education & leaders explains the influence of western political ideologies on nationalist movements. These ideologies were useful in mobilising and organising the native dissatisfaction. The rise of new leaders in 1920s who adapted these ideologies to the local needs and contexts to build nationalist movements that were more broad-based, inclusive, and secular with a political goal of achieving not only independence but an independent nation-state.
Colonial response to the nationalists (suppression, carrot and stick approach etc) explains the radicalisation of nationalism – in other words how nationalism became radical in terms of its methods.
Influence of Western political ideologies and events – explains how nationalist movements became more political in outlook
Influence of religion and culture : see below
Sample question: Ideology was more important than religion and culture in the growth of nationalist movements in the pre-WWII period. Discuss.
Handles: Each was important in different way and in different stages of nationalist development. Religion and culture: provided