The barbell metaphor as
The barbell metaphor as
Susan also needs thoroughly understand and consider that even though Ursinus College and the others had the success of gaining more applicants while raising tuition, all those colleges increased their amount of available financial aid as well. With her plan of decreasing financial aid, this leaves no incentive for potential students to apply to her college. This will actually cause a negative effect and will push students and parents to look else while where they will receive more for their money. It is also important to note that the revenue that is generated from tuition has a direct effect on the product price and the quantity demanded. For the school to generate and receive revenue from raising the tuition they will need to ensure that the elasticity of demand is…
students to gain higher education. Affirmative action is a fair compensation so it seems for…
Throughout the majority of the article, Hood leads the reader to believe that the majority of students in Canada that are going to college have equal financial opportunities one way or another. Within his article, Hood states that “almost no one is actually paying the sticker price.” I for one know that there are many more kids that are, or will be, paying closer to that sicker price, myself included, than those who aren’t. I feel that if parents and students read this article that feel the struggle of having to pay very close to that sticker price, they would be very offended. Yes, there are many scholarships out there that are very easy to attain, such as being a feminist, a jock, an egghead. There is also a scholarship out there for being able to make a duck call, which could get you up to $2,000. Hood also brings in an example of a grant, where he states “the Ontario Tuition Grant, which is available to all students with a family income under $160,000….” There are also very reputable scholarships available that are harder to attain, but result in a larger monetary amount. For example, the Buick Achievers Scholarship could land a student over $100,000 over four years. This shows that there are many different opportunities available, and that they all aren’t equal. In my personal life, many people assume that my family and I are living the high life financially simply because we own horses and my dad has his own trucking business. What they don’t realize is that these things cost a lot more money that just being an employee of someone else’s business or owning a dog. My example is different than being categorized for college expenses, but still has the same concept within it. I find my situation offending, which is why I firmly believe that these students would also be offended. Towards the end of his…
Education plays a huge role in everyone’s life, and college is not cheap. Not everybody is eligible to receive aid from the government, such as Pell Grant, HOPE Grant, or Zell Miller. Some people have the financial ability to pay for college and…
“President Kennedy, as a way to fight discrimination, first coined the term Affirmative Action in 1961. Later on President Johnson employed Affirmative Action as a means of “a more profound stage of the battle for civil rights . . . not just equality as a right and a theory, but equality as a fact and result”” (“Background on Affirmative Action.”). Over the past few decades Affirmative Action has grown out of where it originated from and been altered to the extent where it has lost touch with its original intent. A prime example of the misuse of Affirmative Action can be seen in the college admissions process. The arguments against Affirmative Action fall into two categories. First Affirmative Action is immoral and causes individuals to act in an immoral manner, and second, rather than positive consequences Affirmative Action has a net negative consequence on individuals. The removal of Affirmative Action programs in colleges will lead to a colorblind admissions process that is fair to all races. The use of law enforcement could ensure that minorities are not discriminated against in the…
College tuition soars, but aid grows along with it, students are paying up to 9% more to attend school. It is said that the lifetime earnings of a college graduate is at 1 million more than the overall earnings of someone with only a high school diploma. So in the end something good is coming out of spending the money to graduate from college. How are the students affected and how may it affect schools, why is tuition increasing, and what are the colleges doing with the revenues they receive.…
Going to college is a great step in life for a lot of us, but things now-a-days keep getting more expensive and many families don’t have the finances to afford it. We come to the one and probably the only option that is financial aid. Financial aid helps more than two thirds of the students, and some of them don’t use it the way they’re supposed to; some abuse the financial aid system and lie on the application so they can get money. Thanks to financial aid students have the opportunity to study in college and be able to earn a degree, but there are students that take advantage of it. I believe that financial aid system should be reconstructed as well as more security procedures should be added to the applications.…
Since money is a big factor and is a huge reason students decide to not go to college, some colleges may be able to contribute to most expenses majority of the time. Obtaining a college education can always be rewarding for everyone. Some believe that graduating from college guarantees higher earnings. According to Justin Draeger, the President and CEO of the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, “The majority of college graduates are likely to end up in job zones 4 or 5, where the median incomes are around $50,000 and $60,000.” Although there are circumstances such as being in loan debt, Draeger also says, “Higher education levels are especially critical for low-income students who may need to turn to loans in order to meet unmet need.” This quote supports high school students in a low-income communities to apply to college regardless of money situations. A college’s goals are for students to apply to their school. They want all types of education hungry students that want to broaden their interests to come to their school and invest in their teaching ethics versus any other college. Colleges have loans, grants, and financial aid, for the students. A college’s job is to provide for the student so no obstacles can get in the way of a student getting a higher…
David Baime goes so far as to say that tuition being unaffordable and also not qualifying for federal loans is like a “double-edged sword.” So for this reason we should strive for equality among all ethnicities and backgrounds. This is a matter of being fair to those that are unprivileged in our society. Aiding the masses with free community college will essentially leave no excuse or gap for those who are unable to afford school, thus providing equality to those in our communities in poorer conditions…
Slavery, segregation, the Jim Crow era, lynching, and discrimination. These are problems the black community faced in the past and also face in modern day age.. Although things have progresses for the better, there is always room for more and more improvement. For example, not many people understand how institutional racism can affect the way many African American children learn. Two articles that talk about this topic are “The Cost of Balancing Academia and Racism” by Adrienne Green and “Yes, Schools Do Discriminate Against Students of Color” by Joy Resmovits.…
Affirmative action is a term used to describe the laws and social policies that are implemented as a means to alleviate discrimination that limits opportunities of various racial groups (Crosby p. 587). It was created to end discrimination and promote equal opportunity in education and work (Crosby p. 588). In order to increase the amount of minorities on college campuses, universities began to consider race as a factor in their admissions decisions. The decision to include race as a factor in admissions is controversial. Many arguments for affirmative action in college admissions argue on behalf of the universities’ goals and aspirations. However, college students also gain educational benefits from race-based admissions policies.…
In my Essay I will talk about two different colleges and they are George Fox University, and Oregon State. I will talk about each college’s tuitions, where it is found, number of students on the campus, some majors, and requirements for admittance, scholarships, and a few more things unique about the colleges George Fox, and Oregon State University.…
Elegido, J. (2009). The ethics of price discrimination. In 2009 BEN-Africa Annual Conference (pp. 1-19). Accra, Ghana: GIMPA. Retrieved April 21, 2012, from,%20Juan.pdf…
the movie, a group of neo-nazis do not want to have anything to do with the…
Affirmative action is when companies or colleges favor those who historically have suffered from discrimination within a culture. Many people believe that this takes away opportunities from deserving whites. This claim does not acknowledge the fact that affirmative action was created for a reason and that the disadvantage was so large that a system was created to lessen the gap. And even with affirmative action, white college students are still 40% more likely to get private scholarships than minorities, said a 2003 study by the Department of Education. Also, a study by the Department of Labor stated that someone with a “white” name is 50% more likely to get a job call back than a person with an ethnic…