On one hand, as ridiculous as it was, a daughter’s ill reputation or an unwelcomed pregnancy brought disgrace and embarrassments to the whole family. On the other hand, the sons and husbands strayed behaviors did not cause any harm to the family. In addition, one can observe that men and society in general expected women to be uneducated, jobless, and be ready to remain in unhappy relationships for the welfare of her children and the honor of her family. Then, Austen utilized Elizabeth’s character to project her own ideals, she will not marriage anyone except for the right reasons. Both wanted to be accomplished and not financially stable. Kate Chopin, from her part, in The Awakening portrayed the patriarchal culture of her time. As a consequence, she was victim of the negative criticism, since as she was defying the traditional roles of wives and mothers, which were standard during the 19th century. In her novel, she also delineated the struggles a woman must endure, when the awakening occurs. Finally, Virginia Wolf’s A Room of One’s Own, also describes the social and gender inequality, which women suffers, due to her
On one hand, as ridiculous as it was, a daughter’s ill reputation or an unwelcomed pregnancy brought disgrace and embarrassments to the whole family. On the other hand, the sons and husbands strayed behaviors did not cause any harm to the family. In addition, one can observe that men and society in general expected women to be uneducated, jobless, and be ready to remain in unhappy relationships for the welfare of her children and the honor of her family. Then, Austen utilized Elizabeth’s character to project her own ideals, she will not marriage anyone except for the right reasons. Both wanted to be accomplished and not financially stable. Kate Chopin, from her part, in The Awakening portrayed the patriarchal culture of her time. As a consequence, she was victim of the negative criticism, since as she was defying the traditional roles of wives and mothers, which were standard during the 19th century. In her novel, she also delineated the struggles a woman must endure, when the awakening occurs. Finally, Virginia Wolf’s A Room of One’s Own, also describes the social and gender inequality, which women suffers, due to her