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“Gender reaches into disability; disability wraps around class; class strains against abuse; abuse snarls into sexuality; sexuality folds onto of race… everything piling into a single human body”. I agree entirely with this statement but rather than a sequence of ‘one is caused by another’ I find that all forces impact each other in an extremely complex web. The exact causal reason for one action or another cannot be determined in such a simplified method. The sequence of impact could be written in any number of ways. For this reason the best way to mitigate the impact of one is to work simultaneously on all. Despite being extremely confusing for those who are not pre-exposed to the various terms and concepts, Eli Clare’s ‘Exile and Pride’ is an appropriate addition to queer literature. The purpose of this book however is up for debate. As it currently stands as an addition to queer literature it serves its purpose well. If the book was intended to educate readers on disability politics then it also serves its purpose but is hindered by its medium and the language utilized to conveys the