I selected the outgroup Northern treeshrew Tupaia belangeri after investigating the primate lineage in a phylogenetic tree to determine the closest next level of ordering above primates. I wanted to ensure the closest relation to the primate species to allow for the highest …show more content…
We are able to compare our constructed tree to the established primate tree to evaluate the validity of our tree. Looking at the placement of the species this fits quite accurately with the traditional placement of the primate phylogenetic tree. What we can interpret from the tree is that unknown species 2 is highly likely to be a new primate species but unknown species 1 and 3 are likely to not be new species of primates. This is supported by the separate lineage of species 2 whereas species 1 and 3 both have 100% bootstrap support intervals to their placement. However although this is likely species 2 has only a 75.16% result for the clade however the approximately 92% pairwise identity gives this statement more