However, the idea of ‘Humanity’ is axiomatically, not a perfect concept. The ‘Subjectivity’ of man, which was brought to us by the ‘Enlightenment Thought’ after Renaissance, affected the western world tremendously. In spite of that, the whole ideology was constructed based on the fact that we know what ‘man’ is. Thus men have to assume that they understand the idea of ‘Humanity’. Primo Levi challenges that. But men do know and understand what ‘Inhumanness’ is; know it so well that can even put it to test. On the other hand men more likely do not know what absolute good are, the standards of it. Men cannot even define human or humanity, because we do not know the true human nature. What we are assured of is that we know ‘Inhuman’ completely. In this sense, man is only living for all the inhuman reasons. In Levi’s eyes, men’s existence is only to witness the inhumanness. That is why Levi as a sufferer of the notorious holocaust is repeatedly demanding through a poem with prayer-like structure for the readers to meditate, with him as what a ‘true man’ is.
2. Different characters in ‘If This Is a Man’ symbolises a different aspect of the human nature. Through these characters, Primo Levi expressed his view on what ‘men’ truly is. The Lakmaker is a great example.