To clarify, bulimia comes from a Latin word meaning “hunger of an ox” (Cotter, 18). A simple definition of bulimia is binge eating and purging. Bulimics have a huge appetite, but they do not gain weight from constantly overeating (binge eating) because they purge by vomiting or misusing laxatives (18-19). Bulimia can be a very secret disease.
In fact, bulimics often lie about eating, eat in secret, consume large amounts, and may ingest up to 8,000 calories in one sitting (Cotter, 19). They live in fear of someone discovering their illness and go to great lengths to hide their …show more content…
Bingeing and purging can disrupt a female’s menstrual cycle (cause irregular menstrual cycle) (“Bulimia Nervosa”). It also can lead to serious medical complications such as dehydration, irregular heartbeat, and kidney damage (Cotter, 21). It can cause erosion of tooth enamel, broken blood vessels in the eyes, and cracked and dry lips. Bulimia can tear the esophagus lining which can cause a person to vomit blood. Laxative users can suffer from electrolyte imbalances and colon damage (Cotter, 63). Additionally, prolonged bingeing and purging can cause unusual dental problems, swollen cheeks or glands, heartburn, or bloating (“Bulimia