Princess Marina hospital (PMH) is a referral healthcare facility with 600 bed capacity, and it operates three theatres with seven operating theatres. From the theatre records it shows that it treats around 6,000 patients per year. This only represents 65 percent of all scheduled elective surgeries compared to the 95 percent target set by the hospital. In order to improve this, management, decided to look at the efficiency and effectiveness of the system that affects patient care. A focus was made to the pre-operative phase of surgical care. Patients were complaining of delayed operation due to cancellation. With this reason the management of the hospital decided to embark on quality improvement initiative to improve the pre-operative process in PMH. The goal of this improvement was to have 95 % of all scheduled elective surgeries conducted as planned. The surgery cancellation was to be reduced from 35 % …show more content…
Only 65 % of elective surgeries were carried out according to the schedule in Princess Marina hospital. Notwithstanding that cancellation of elective surgeries is deviation from planned management of patients care and it negates the quality of services rendered to them. It harms patients and waste resources leading to increased healthcare cost, and disgruntled patients and family members.
A BMJ quality improvement report (QIR) format was used to form a structured quality improvement plan. This format included the introduction, background of the problem, assessment, the results of assessment, strategies of quality improvement and possible risk factors for the quality improvement.
Quality improvement methodologies, like the fishbone, lean, and PDSA cycle was used to improve adherence to the target of 95% scheduled elective surgeries being conducted in Princess Marina