This assessment will look at the Principles and Functions of Management. Which mentions there is a difference between what a manager should do and what they actually do? According to many writers observation. Subsequently, I will comment by usage of my own knowledge of management theories and concepts. Further more, it is based on an experience and press stuffs. Due to main discussions, my assessment can be divided into following paragraph:
I. Introduction In this order I will define:
- What is a manager?
- Why do we need the management?
- Theories management: X and Y
- Levels of management
II. Presentation
In this case I am going to explain:
- What a management should do?
- What they actually do?
- How come there are the differences?
- How does it influence on organizational values?
II. Conclusion
- Summaries the main points
- Add solution and recommendation
III. Introduction
Long time ago, there was a concept of manager in every social class. Because people are always looking forward an individual, who can lead organization in a right way. Thus, managers are people responsible for the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of organization members and of using all organizational resources to achieve stated organizational goals.
The organizations tend to approach its objectives. Because of this, they desire there is a productive work. In term of this, we need to bring people together. It leads to combine experiences, knowledge, and efficiency resources. It is likely to achieve more than by people working on their own. Furthermore, the managers can make a planning to express goals in term of profit, market share… in order to achieve these objectives the organizations require to have right people having responsibility, to make planning in the right time. The staff are required to performance the tasks given by the managers. Due to Pearce and Robinson statement that manager is: The process of
References: Gerard M Blair: WHAT MAKES A GREAT MANAGER? accessed by 01/11/2005. Chip R. Bell and John R. Patterson (2004): What Great Service Leaders Actually Do?!cbjpactually.html- accessed by 01/11/2005. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Functions of management - accessed by 06/11/2005. Books: Hanagan,T ( 2005 ) Management concepts& Practices, the Pitman publishing Great Britain. Riley M., (1991) human resources management, M&A Thomson litho, east Kenbridge, Scotland published in Great Britain. M.W.Cuming (1993) The theory and practice of personal management, printed and bound by Clays ltd, St Ives plc, Great Britain