The two principles discussed in this essay are ethics and partnership. The definitions of these will be defined to demonstrate the relevance, they have (in practice) for the role of the youth and community worker. Again both principles have been chosen to highlight ethical dilemmas or conflict that have emerged within working practice, which will be demonstrated within two separate case studies. For this reason, the real names of people and organizations have been, changed, abbreviated or omitted for confidential reason.
According to Sarah banks (2004) the term ethics has been defined in several ways, the first being the norms people follow around their value base which views things as right or wrong or good or bad. Studies of moral norms focus on theories around right actions, how people make judgements, duties, conscious care, all of which are described as descriptive ethics. Banks argues, that there has been vast amounts of literature written about ethics within other fields of medical and health care in comparison to social profession such a youth and social work (Banks 2004)
Within the National youth work agency statements of ethical principle and conduct youth workers are required to: Treat young people with respect, respect and promote young people’s rights to make their own decisions and choices, Promote and ensure the welfare and safety of young people, contribute towards the promotion of social justice for young people and in society
Bibliography: Banks,S.2004 Ethics, accountability and the social professions. Palgrave Macmillan. Briault,S. 2002 working it out: A handbook for violence prevention in work with young people. Russell House Publishing Cheminas, R.2009 Effective Multi-agency partnerships: Putting every child Matters into practice. Sage Douglas, A. 2009 Partnership Working Routledge Hamilton, C. (2005) Working with Young People Legal Responsibility and Liability, The Children’s Legal Centre Ingram,g. and Harris, J. 2001 Delivering good youth work: A working guide to surviving and thriving. Russell House Publishing. National youth agency 2004 ethical conduct in youth and community work: Statement of values and principles. Leicester Rogers, v. 2010 Working with young women: activities for exploring Personal, social and emotional issues. Jessica Kingsley publishers. London Philadelphia. Second edition. Sayer,T. 2008 Critical practice in working with Children. Palgrave Macmillan Wood,J. and Jean .H. 2009 Working with young people. Sage, London