November 25, 2009 version
The University of Texas at Austin
School of Undergraduate Studies
Professor Michael Brandl (See information below) Unique: 63610 Spring 2010 Lecture: 2:00-3:15pm TTh in GSB 2.126 Professor Contact Information Email: Office: CBA 2.212 Office Hours: Tu Th 12:30 to 2pm and by appointment Office Phone: 512-232-3355
Course Description The vast majority of non-business majors will, at some point in their professional careers, work for a business or work in business environment. However, many undergraduates finish their studies with little to no understanding of how business firms function. This course is designed to equip non-business undergraduates with the skills they will need to critically examine how business firms’ function and the course will require students to contemplate their future role in a business setting/environment and the knowledge and skills they will need to be successful in such a setting. The course will have four major components. The first portion of the course will examine the “big picture” of business – topics will include the history of business, business ethics and globalization. The second section of the course will focus on financial aspects of firm decision making including the accounting system, financial statements and their analysis as well as financial markets. The third section will focus on management and marketing, while the last section will focus on advanced topics included business law, entrepreneurship and the private equity industry. Throughout the course the current global economic crisis will be discussed and examined. Required Texts & Readings Required Text: Custom text by Primis-McGraw Hill/Irwin. Details to follow. This is a custom ebook text designed specifically for this course. The ebook is a combination of chapters from the leading business textbooks. These chapter readings will serve as the foundation upon