Assignment Task 1
“The single most characteristic about human beings is that they learn” (Bruner, 1960:113). This may be true, but to what extent do they learn? Lockitt (1997) suggests that both good and bad learning experience can affect learning. By the time learners’ reach adult or further education they would have already met with a range of learning experiences, good or bad. “Many learners wrongly believe that learning comes with age and the older you get the more you know. We can help them overcome this and achieve more from their learning by ensuring they are aware of successful learning techniques right at the start of the learning process”. (Lockitt 1997: 15).
Hartley (1994) argues that individual differences can also affect learning. For example when we teach, though everyone is different, the lecturer must proceed as though everyone is the same, although we may make the occasional reference to individual differences in the class. “However, the opposite stance that no two people are the same, brings with it different constraints on the teacher”. (Hartley, 1994: 47). Hartley goes further and maintains that individuals can only really be catered for in a one-to-one instruction. Yet in some situations, classrooms for instance, teachers can explore and exploit in individual differences in ways that may help all the participants learn.
In the context of the above quote, Bieheler and Snowman (2000) put forward that motivation can influence learning and its impact on learner achievement. For instance, motivation can play an intrinsic part on behaviour and human needs.
Maslow ‘s (1970) theory identified five hierarchy’s of human needs such as physiological needs, which are at the hierarchy followed in ascending order by safety, belongingness and love, esteem and self-actualisation needs. If, according to Maslow, this order mirrors variations in the relative force of each need. Similarly,
References: Bruner JS (1966) Towards a theory of instruction Harvard University Press Fleming N (1999) ‘Biases in marking students’ written work’ in S Brown & A Glasner (eds) Assessment matters in higher education Buckingham: SHRE/OU Press Gibbs G (1988) Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods Further Education Unit Gipps C (1994) ‘Overview of assessment practices and principles’ in Beyond testing: towards a theory of educational assessment, London: Falmer Press Gipps C & Murphy P (1994) A fair test? Assessment, achievement and equity Buckingham, OU Press Hartley J (1994) Designing instructional text Kogan Page Honey P & Mumford A (1992) The manual of learning styles Peter Honey Lockitt B (1997) Learning styles: into the future FEDA Maslow, A. (1970). Motivation and Personality (3rd dentition) in Petty (2004). Teaching Today. Nelson Thomas. Cheltenham Reece I & Walker S (2003) Teaching, training and learning: a practical guide (4th edn) Snowman J & Biehler R (2008) Psychology applied to teaching Houghton Mifflin, Boston Taylor, G., Hawkins, S