Diploma in Managament and Leadership
Assignment One – Principles of Management and Leadership
Task 1 (a)
Bennis (1989, p.45) listed differences in his book ‘On becoming a leader’ as illustrated in the table below.
|The Manager |The Leader |
| | |
|Administers |Innovates |
|Is a copy |Is an original |
|Maintains |Develops |
|Focuses on systems and structure |Focuses on people |
|Relies on control |Inspires trust |
|Has a short-range view |Has a long-range perspective |
|Asks how and when |Asks what and why |
|Has eye always on the bottom line |Has his eye on the horizon |
|Imitates |Originates |
|Accepts the status quo |Challenges it |
|Is the classic good
References: Kotter, J. (1996) Leading Change. America: Harvard Business School Press Cameron, E & Green, M. (2012) Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. London: Kogan Page Ltd Mullins, L (2005) quoting Mcgregor, Management and Organisational Behaviour www.businessballs.com, various www.mindtools.com, various