Appreciation or recognition for a job well done Being in the know about company matters An understanding attitude from the management Job security Good wages Interesting work Career advancement opportunities Loyalty from management Good working conditions Tactful discipline
It seems that, in Asia, not enough emphasis has been placed in these areas. Some of these factors are self-evident. However, some need elaboration to clarify what employees are really looking for and what business owners and managers can do to make these factors happen.
Appreciation or recognition for a job well done
Recognition is not only to make employees feel good about their work and accomplishments. That is only a by-product. We recognize and praise because we want to reinforce a particular effort or result that helps the business. The more these specific behaviors are recognized, the more frequently an employee will repeat them.
This is the other side of the coin of why we discipline employees. It's because because we want to discourage specific behaviors that do not add value to the business.
In Asian cultures, many bosses and managers do not receive recognition or praise in their upbringing, and have perpetuated the myth that appreciation is not an important aspect of job. The typical view is that there's no need to recognize or praise employees for doing the job they're supposed to do well. That's what the paycheck is for! These bosses have had no positive role models in their work experience that reinforces appreciation, recognition or compliments for a job well done.
But in today's global marketplace, desire for such positive work experience is becoming more and more a reality.
Being in the know about company