Print media generally refers to newspapers. Newspapers collect, edit andprint news reports and articles. There are newspapers published in the evening also. They are called eveningers.
o Print media is a rather commonly used term referring to the medium that disseminates printed matter. In everyday life we refer to print media as the industry associated with the printing and mostly with the distribution of news through a network of media, such as newspapers and journals. People also refer to print media simply with the term "press;" it's an intermediate communicative channel aiming at reaching a large number of people.
o Audiences learn and distinguish priorities from reading print media; it might be less obvious but the audiences committed to the press use it as a surrogate for their social entourage and the community. People adopt the press agenda of issues as their own. Different types of individuals become more focused on the same public issues, suggesting that the significance of print media is to draw people around the same particular public themes and issues. This role and function of print media has been important throughout the centuries and is likely to remain the