Dr. Donny Bagwell
Managing Human Resources Projects: HRM 517
October 27, 2013
Introduction D.D. Williamson implemented a new process for project prioritization that included focusing on the vision and impact of projects and narrowing down projects by selecting the ones of high importance and assigning them to senior management teams. I will attempt to critique that process, recommend an improvement for the process, provide a scenario of why the process could possibly not be successful, and project if the process will still be successful in five years.
Critiquing D.D. Williamson Project Prioritization The prioritization process at D. D. Williamson is a great improvement opposed to the previous prioritization process that was implemented. I believe that D.D. Williamson was able to finally overcome challenges after years of not having a successful process in place. Cutting down the amount of projects from 60 to 16 was a smart plan that in return helped D.D. Williamson not to go over budget, increase the success rate to over 60 percent of projects finishing close to the expected completion date, and earn better results. This process also helped to move forward the most critical projects of high importance. Simplifying the criteria ratings also helped to narrow down projects and prioritize them. By selecting a new criteria rating and focusing on the Vision Impact Projects (VIPs), it made it easier for the management team to focus on projects that would have a impact on corporate objectives and monitor them better in weekly meetings to overcome barriers before they occurred.
Improving the Prioritization Process Though the proposed prioritization process at D.D. Williamson is a vast improvement opposed the prior process, I would recommend adding more criteria to determine which projects move forward opposed to just basing the criteria rating
Citations: Vargas, R. V. (n.d.). Examples of Project Prioritization Criteria. SlideShare. Retrieved October 27, 2013, from http://blogs.dhttp://www.slideshare.net/ricardo.vargas/ricardo-vargas-exemplos-criterios-priorizacao-projetos-en Kloppenborg, T., Nkomo, S. (2012). Human resources project management. (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: South Western Cegage Learning. Vargas, R. V. (n.d.). Types of Cost in Projects. Types of Cost in Projects. Retrieved October 27, 2013, from http://www.slideshare.net/ricardo.vargas/ricardo-vargas-tipos-custos-projetos-ppt-en Schwartz, C. (n.d.). Effective Approaches to Project Prioritization. Daptiv Blog. Retrieved October 27, 2013, from http://blogs.daptiv.com/2012/09/effective-approaches-to-project-prioritization/