The Nucleus in a cell controls everything in the cell. It stores information known as DNA, keeps DNA separate from cytoplasm, and it sends messages to the Ribosome. A similar job of this is the Warden of the prison. A prison warden controls what happens in the prison and knows what is happening in every prison cell like the nucleus directs all of the cell’s activities. Also, the cell …show more content…
The cell membrane regulates what substances enters and leaves the cell. Likewise, the entrance of a prison controls who goes in and out. Another comparison is the cell wall. The cell wall maintains the shape of a cell. This can be compared to the actual prison wall. The prison wall surrounds the prison like the cell wall is a stiff wall that surrounds the membrane, giving the cell a rigid, box like shape. Another resemblance is between the vacuole and storage rooms. The storage rooms stores food, water, for the inmates to eat later like the vacuole stores water, food, waste products, and other materials. In addition, a correspondence could be between the mitochondria and the prison generator. The Prison Generator is where all the prisons energy is produced like the Mitochondria produces the cells energy. An additional comparison can be between the Golgi Apparatus and the mail room. The mail room receives mail and sends them to the