In this Prison Term Policy Recommendation Proposal essay it wants you to be a criminologist advisor. The scenario is: According to University of Phoenix (2015)’’You are the criminologist advisor to a member of the state legislature. The legislature will soon vote on a bill that, if it passes, would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery. Your boss knowns the bill is popular, but wonders if it will do much good”. Consider policy making as it relates to criminal offenses. What recommendations would you? What are the reasons for your recommendations? Is this good bill or a bad?…
The corrections system in the United States is an ongoing struggle to house and rehabilitate individuals who violate the law. The resources put towards the United States correctional system is substantial but not sufficient. The United States continues to have a rising number of inmates incarcerated and in turn often times face overcrowding issues and shortage of funds to provide other rehabilitation focused classes and programs. The corrections system in the United States has proven to show trends throughout the years since the corrections system was established. In order for the corrections system to improve, it must be analyzed and changed…
Dozens of writers, reformists and activists have already narrated the story of America's harrowing prison epidemic spread wide by the politics of corporate greed and fueled daily by scapegoating the poor and vulnerable. With nearly twenty years experience in public policy development, criminal justice reform, and promoting alternatives to confinement, now comes Marc Mauer, Assistant Director of The Sentencing Project, a national organization based in Washington, D.C. which advocates for substantial changes in our ways of punishing criminal…
Most of the federal prisons in the Unites States are overcrowded, many are filled with drug users and suppliers. Stiffer penalties were put in place decades ago, which makes it mandatory the drug offenders go to prison. Judges and prosecutors can sentence according to an individual’s…
Forms must be filed in the court that has jurisdiction to act on them, which is where the case was heard. That’s the court that issued the bonds that you want to pay off.…
As a Criminologist Advisor to the State Legislature, I have been chosen to provide a prison term policy on armed robbery. Currently the legislature will soon be voting on a bill that would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery. First I would like to define what the legal definition of armed robbery is as defined by the Black's Law Dictionary which is: an aggravated form of robbery in which the defendant is armed with a dangerous weapon, though it is not necessary to prove that he used the weapon to effectuate the robbery. The taking of property from person or presence of another by use of force or by threatening use of force while armed with a dangerous weapon (Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition).…
With the decrease of the budget, it has made the parole offices job harder, with fewer people working and less recourse at their disposal. With the increase of caseload, this has created a system where everything is taking to much time by looking at paroles case by case (tt). There needs to be a new system introduced that have a better effect on oversight, control and consistency (tt). There needs to be new policy introduced that bring better community structure that allows the individual to feel a part of society which would stop them to commit a crime. There is the ideology struggle we think incarceration is the best form of punishment this has to change. The parole system does not work most criminal are sent back to prison. There has been…
The author discusses the acts of 1986, which changed the law pertaining to the Anti-Drug Abuse act and the sentencing of violators. This article also examines the overcrowding of prisons related to mandatory sentencing.…
O 'Hear, M. (2011). Beyond Rehabilitation: A New Theory of Indeterminate Sentencing. Retrieved from Lexis Nexis:…
The last stage of a criminal trial is known as sentencing. During sentencing the convening authority over the criminal court proceedings makes a determination of how the guilty party should be punished. Prior to that determination being made both the defense attorneys and prosecutors may make their arguments as to why or why not the defendant should be punished to the fullest of the law. The judge taking these arguments into consideration makes his or her decision on what type sentence to hand down. While the main goal is to punish those that are found guilty there are five sentencing rationales in use in the American criminal justice system. These rationales are retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, restoration, and incapacitation. In the case of State v. Stu Dents, the judge will use the rationales of rehabilitation and incapacitation. The defense and prosecutors will make their arguments and propose the type of sentence Mr. Dents should receive which in turn will protect him and society.…
This memorandum serves as a proposal and examination about a significant issue; that has influenced the United States prison system. Because criminal activities are at an incomparable high, an expansion inside the prison population has incurred, resulting in a financial burden within the system. According to a review directed by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), they anticipated by 2018, overcrowding would move to over 45% over the BOP's maximum capacity. In addition, the prison cannot keep up such influx making a consequential problem for prison guards and inmates. As communicated by James, the quantity of the detainees housed in state and government correctional facilities climbed faster than facility capacity expanded. The…
In summary if people such as Sable were given fair sentencings for their crimes less people could be in jail which would save state tax dollars to be put into schools and hospitals. People get extreme sentencings for the crimes they commit which are not deserving of them, more people should get the chance to be put on parole and show that they can positively contribute to their community. It is important to help people create a better life for themselves if they are willing to work and commit themselves to it. When someone fails at something they need to be picked up and given a second chance to show they can do better just as many prisoners need. The Prison-Industrial Complex System receives millions of citizens’ tax dollars to…
Outline the power of the courts in sentencing offenders by using one example of a summary offence and indictable offence.…
From the mid-1980s drug offenses increased primarily due to the pressure put on by the war on drugs (Neubauer & Fradella, 2014). This has contributed to overcrowding of prisons across America. In order to ease the overcrowding in prisons, rehabilitation through court sentenced drug treatment programs is a practical and economical alternative. Assigning offenders to applicable drug treatment programs would decrease overcrowding caused by drug offenses, lower recidivism rates, and provide savings for the criminal justice system.…
Even though it is a financial drain on society, extending incarceration time is a good idea because longer prison terms deter people from committing crimes and increasing the incarceration time would prevent that person from committing another crime.…