According to Philip Grosser - Biography, “Grosser was a Jewish man and refused to join the army. He believed in joining the army had no benefit in general and remained to be a working man. Therefore he was dragged from prison camp to prison camp then finally wound up at Alcatraz in 1919.” It also states, “He spent weeks in solitary confinement, exciting on a diet of bread and water. Subjected to psychological and physical torture, he held steadfast to his beliefs against war” (Philip Grosser - Biography). This information is saying that because you belong to a different religion from the majority, you get to be physically tortured and hurt. It’s not right. It’s not like he hurt anyone. Just because one person …show more content…
He also had numerous parole violations. He fought for non segregation between black and white inmates in prison. He spoke out about this issue many times. He wrote letters of protest to prison officials calling for fair treatment. He became an activist to gain equality for all prisoner imamates. He lived out his life at alcatraz until his death.” That is not how anyone should have been punished for being another race for most likely committing the same crime as others of another race. His crimes were way down of the list of bad crimes. But because of the color of his skin, he could have the same rights. Even in