Individuals who use the Internet have to realize that they must be responsible and protect their own privacy. What goes up on the Internet will be around the world in just seconds. Galai just posted a photo of his face on the Internet not knowing about the consequences that picture would have. Singer asks himself, “New technology has made greater openness possible, but has this openness made us better off?” (Singer 463). Singer makes a good point about technology, because “new technology” has made the world improve by making it simple, but it has made it less private and dangerous because people do not understand their limits. Kadish says “The image had rippled outward in all directions, passing straight through national barriers” (Kadish
Individuals who use the Internet have to realize that they must be responsible and protect their own privacy. What goes up on the Internet will be around the world in just seconds. Galai just posted a photo of his face on the Internet not knowing about the consequences that picture would have. Singer asks himself, “New technology has made greater openness possible, but has this openness made us better off?” (Singer 463). Singer makes a good point about technology, because “new technology” has made the world improve by making it simple, but it has made it less private and dangerous because people do not understand their limits. Kadish says “The image had rippled outward in all directions, passing straight through national barriers” (Kadish