Blackthorn looked around at his battalion as he strengthened his grip on his hand gun. Blackthorn knew that Interitum’s inhabitants were driven out post their destructive revolution.
Beyond the arch stood meandering …show more content…
Blackthorn shivered. The ground became cobble again then into dirt strewn with twigs. Venturing into the woods, he saw small, makeshift structures jutting out against the deep green of the forest. They were houses with shattered windows and bleached walls. The absence of the usual manias struck these desolate residences as disturbingly haunting. Turning away, the battalion took another abrupt move till they stood in a dimly lit clearing, the overhang so impenetrable that there were no shadows. Blackthorn stood in silence, his eyes could barely discern the outline of a small, narrow building peeking out from under clusters of tall ferns obviously thriving from the swampy terrain. Suddenly, he let out a gasp as the horror hit him. The building was strapped in chains.
The next day the troops were called back. There was nothing to loot. Blackthorn knew, it was just a wasteland. Walking down the corridor of Evalesco’s dungeon cells, he entered the most smallest of cell doors, battered, forgotten and seemingly insignificant. Squeezing through, the cell was shrouded in darkness but Blackthorn could distinguish the outlines of a mattress, a wardrobe and a small figure sprawled on the floor. It was a boy. Pale, gaunt and dark – haired, the boy turned to face Blackthorn with his black