Private International Law in Ukraine
Subject: International Private Law
Tutor: Wang Xin
Student: Olena Sheremetieva
Class: IB 1002
Student number : 20103100015
Date : 04.07.2013
1. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------Page 1 2. The concept of private international law, its task.--- Page 1 3. Factors affecting the development of private international law.---------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 4. International cooperation and international private law.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Page 5 5. Evasion of Law------------ -------------------------------------Page 7 6. Conclusion (Ukraine as a subject of private international law).---------------------------------------------------------------Page 8 7. Reference-------------------------------------------------------Page 11
1. Introduction
In every state in the most important regulator of social relations is law. It is a system of legal norms that capture certain relationships; guard obligatory rules of conduct, set forth the rights and obligations of the parties. Together, these standards (and other sources) are a national system of law. There are over two hundred national laws (as many states). Often there are relations between them, which cause a lot of mutual rights and obligations. Therefore, the development of the economy, politics, culture, communications, transport require legal registration of such relations as international. The last can be divided into two large groups: the interstate and noninterstate. The first group is the sphere of public international law, and the second is the subject of regulation of private international law.
2. The concept of private international law, its task.
The subjects of in public international law are the state as such, as well as international organizations whose members are the