“Private Schools are better than Government schools”
We have written this statement on the following points.
1. Discipline issue:
This is because public schools in most countries are forced by law to accept all children in their geographical areas and are paid government money based on the number of students in attendance. This makes expelling a student both difficult and expensive. In a private school the reverse is the case. A troublesome student upsets teachers and fellow students and can cause others to drop out if he or she is not expelled immediately. Parents are suddenly involved. They have paid money for their son or daughter to attend the school in question and they will become more insistent in assuring that their child cooperates.
Private school students visit a zoo and spot a monkey sleeping in his cage.
"Hey! Look! Monkey is sleeping. Don't disturb him."
Students from a government school also spot the same monkey.
One of them says, "Oye! Vekh tera payo sutta pya hai....leya enho watta marye."
(Look, your daddy is sleeping. Let's hurl a stone at him.)
2. Quality of Campuses and Materials
Private schools are housed in modern, up-to-date buildings with state of the art technology. Most materials are new, and textbooks and other learning materials tend to be the best and most recent editions. Libraries and athletic facilities are also usually updated very regularly. There are of course exceptions, but in many cases schools use the promises of top-notch learning spaces as a way to impress and attract tuition-paying families. Some public schools are also able to offer these advantages, but a lot depends on government spending and educational funding allotments
3. A Push towards College.
Statistically speaking, private schooling tends to produce more university-bound graduates than public education does, and private graduates more often win admittance to the most elite institutions. Though this advantage really is