(Challenges and Prospects)
REG. No.: HEM 1137- HEM 1146
SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES; FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC, NASARAWA, NASARAWA STATE e-mail: fpnas@yahoo.com, Tel.: +234 – 047-66701, 66707 047 – 66238 (DL)
JULY 27, 2012
Private Sector Housing Delivery in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects
Department of Estate Management and Valuation, School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa, Nasarawa State. Group Leader’s e-mail: optdreams@gmail.com, Tel.: 08069513532, 08098833372
This paper seeks to pinpoint the pluses of private sector housing delivery in Nigeria, with the view to ascertaining extent of the problems as well as challenges. The data utilized in the paper was generated through observations and group discussion. Findings of the study reveal the problems faced by the private sector in facilitating housing delivery. The paper argues that this poses a great challenge to the economic development of the nation. Thus, it was suggested that the government should strengthen the operational environment and provide a legal frame work for private sector participation in housing delivery system.
Key words: 1.0 Introduction.
Housing, Housing needs and Economic Growth.
Housing is one of the most basic human needs. “Housing is a bundle of joy” (Agbola, 2003). The history of housing development in Nigeria is that of the private sector driven. In recent time the private sector contributes a larger proportion of housing stock in the country. The private sector in the housing delivery consists of the individuals and corporate organizations. The sector provides houses for their direct use, their staff, for rental or sale. The sector has been more efficient in the production of housing. That is why scholars have suggested that the government should only create the enabling environment for the private sector to
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