What is traditional marriage anyway? Some argue that gay marriage has an effect on our future generations, so that’s why its not legal. However, whatever the view may be, love shouldn’t be a privilege. It is a right. So, why is it anyone’s business who can marry whom?
Marriage has always been an intimate and private subject. By letting the same gender marry one another, we’re allowing two people who share love join together. Forget the gender part, people marry for money and social status every day. Is that any more ethical? When a man and woman make the decision to share a last name, no one really cares other than their family & friends. Its the same with two homosexuals wishing to join in marriage. Its not as if their marriage would tear other families apart across the nation. No harms being done. Some say it goes against their religion, but tattoos, cutting your hair, showing skin other than on your face and not maintaining abstinence before being wed can also be just as disrespectful toward a religion. People take those actions each and every day and you don’t see protesters on street corners for a …show more content…
haircut. Moving on, in 1750 all the southern colonies had made interracial marriage illegal. Looking back on this now, we look at it as completely irrational and moronic. African-Americans were and are people too, it was their right to be married to one another (Robinson). The United States spent so long discriminating against the mixing between blacks and whites. In fact, some said it was corrupt. History will repeat if you let it and thats exactly what we are doing by not allowing two of the same sex to marry one another. There is no difference between protesting interracial couples and homosexual ones. Love is love. Furthermore, traditional marriage is something that’s been argued on the topic of gay marriage. What is traditional marriage to begin with? Some might say between man and wife, but looking at marriage historically, its difficult to define it. Procon.org goes as far as saying, “Polygamy, communal child-rearing, the use of concubines and mistresses and the commonality of prostitution, heterosexual monogamy can be considered "unnatural” in evolutionary terms” (“Gay”). The world is constantly changing, bringing up what is viewed as “traditional” is irrelevant at this point in time. Another argument made is that by allowing gay marriage to occur we are allowing children to be raised in an unstable environment. Children need both a father and a mother growing up. The irony though is that 36% of births in the U.S. are from unmarried women (“Single”). 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Its important to also consider that these men and women don’t have to receive approval to have a baby. Gay couples can not reproduce on their own, so often, adoption is where they go when they intend on starting a family. Children are not just given away to anyone who walks up to the door and asks for one. Adoption is a long thought out process that only people who truly want a child to love and to care for would go through. Four in ten pregnancies today are not planned for, whereas clearly adoption is. There’s doesn’t need to be a fear of neglect or an unstable environment (Jayson). All in all, it is obvious to see that if anything is not ethical or is just plain wrong, it is keeping two people in love from marrying one another, not the fact that they are gay.
Gay marriage is not an act that will corrupt the nation, its a private and intimate thing. Looking back, I think we will find ourselves to appear ignorant protesting homosexual marriage because that is how a majority of us view the people protesting interracial couples in the past. Although, it may not be viewed as “traditional”, there is a major controversy over what traditional marriage is to begin with, so really, the comparison would not make sense nor be relevant. Lastly, people claim to worry about the children of the future and what kind of home-life they would have if they were to grow up with two same-sex parents, but you can not tell two people they can not be with one another and raise a family because it might be unstable. 400,000 children are in foster care just in a year (“Children”). Foster care is what an unstable environment
Ending with the simple words of the famous Janet Jackson, “Its two people in love with one another. What’s the issue? (“Gay Voices”).