April15th, 2010
Persuasive Speech
Topic: illegal immigration
General Purpose: to persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to be pro illegal immigration.
Central Idea: I will persuade you that illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in the
U.S. by sharing with you some information on the subject, arguments on the subject, and
also some solutions to the problem.
Imagine a teenage girl, only seventeen years old having to go three states away to
visit her father. To see him she must enter a building and before she can get to the main
door she has to go through the first fence door, and wait for it to close before the second
one will open. Now she walks to the main door of the building and walks in. She get her
ID ready and fills out the form required to go any further in the building. Once she’s been
called up she empties her pockets and takes off anything metal she has on. She goes
through a metal detector, and waits for an officer to open the next door. Once in, she has
to wait for the officer to open the visiting room door. Now she’s in the visiting room, and
she finds her father. He is in the beige prison uniform, and is being un-cuffed and
unchained for the visit. She hugs him, and her two hour visit begins. The time flies by so
quickly and before she knows it the two hours is up. She leaves the visiting room, and
gets all of her things and has to leave. The girl was visiting her father, who has been
incarcerated for being in the United Stated illegally from Mexico. You’re wondering how
I may even know any of this information. It is because the girl I have just told you about
is me. The reason I have chosen my topic is because my father is in prison for being in
America illegally to be with his family. Today I will give you insight into illegal
immigration in the U.S., the pros of illegal immigration, and solutions to the problem.
I. To begin with, I will
Bibliography: Bender, David, Bruno Leone, and Charles P. Cozic. Illegal Immigration, Opposing Viewpoints.. San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press, 1993. Cooper, M.H.. "Immigration reform. ". CQ Researcher Online. April 15, 2010 . Katel, P.. "Illegal immigration". CQ Researcher Online. April 15, 2010 . Masci, D. "Debate over immigration". CQ Researcher. April 14, 2010 . Simon, Julian L.. The Economic Consequences of Immigration. United States: The University of Michigan Press, 1999. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. "Trends in International Migrant Stock: The 2008 Revision". UN database. April 15, 2010 .