1. What is the purpose of education?
THE PURPOSE OF EDUCATION- How a teacher approaches classroom management—the priorities and techniques he or she uses—depends on his or her goals. If the purpose of classroom management is to elicit compliance, the methods chosen will reflect this choice. For example, the military requires behavior rooted in obedience. The methods used to foster compliant behavior include intimidation, drills, routine, and loyalty oaths. These methods are appropriate because the military needs to train soldiers and sailors who will follow commands unquestioningly. The purpose of education is to teach students to be responsible citizens (Langdon, 1996). However, the word responsible is an abstract term that has different meanings for different people. To some, responsible behavior means obedience to authority. To others, responsible behavior means exercising self-control, without the need for constant supervision. The definition of responsibility that guides the organization of this text is as follows: Responsible behavior is self directed and is characterized by the ability to make socially appropriate choices, care for others, and be accountable for personal action. Figure 1.1 illustrates the difference between compliance and responsibility. Marzano said the following about responsibility in the classroom: Ample evidence indicates that teaching responsibility is a high priority in U.S. education. Speaking of self-discipline, Bear (1998) explains that “the American public’s belief that schools should play a role in teaching self-discipline has never been greater than it is today” (p. 15). He cites the 1996 Gallup study (Elam, Rose, & Gallup, 1996) indicating that 98 percent of the public believes that the primary purpose of public schools should be to prepare students to be responsible citizens. (2003, p. 77) If educators want students to be responsible rather than compliant, they must think carefully about how they can achieve