IN THE ESTATE of CHAN YUK (陳玉) late of Room 1918, 19th Floor, Block B, Kam Ying Court, Ma On Shan, New Territories, Widow, deceased (“the Deceased”)
I, HO CHIN CHIN (何錢錢), Accounts Clerk, of Room 1918, 19th Floor, Block B, Kam Ying Court, Ma On Shan, New Territories, Hong Kong, do hereby solemnly and sincerely affirm and say as follows:
1. The Deceased died at Queen Elizabeth Hospital on 12th March 2009 at the age of 81 years, having made and executed her last Will dated 29th October 2000. She appointed HO CHIN CHIN(何錢錢), now aged 80 years, and LI KAM KAM (李金金), now aged 50 years, the executors in the Will.
2. The Deceased died domiciled in Hong Kong.
3. I believe the paper writing shown to me and marked “A” by me to contain the true and original last Will of the Deceased, and I will administer according to the law all the estate which by law devolves to and vests in the personal representatives of the Deceased and I will exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the estate and effects and render a just and true account thereof whenever required by law so to do.
4. I am applying as one of the executors named in the Will for probate thereof power being reserved to the other executrix, to apply for and obtain double probate of the Will.
AFFIRMED at the office of Messrs. Michael Ma & Co., this 24th day of April, 2013, through the interpretation of LAI MAN YEE, the interpreter having been also first affirmed that she had truly, distinctly and audibly interpreted the contents of this document to the affirmant, and that she would truly and faithfully interpret the affirmation about to be administered to him.
Before me,
Michael Ma
Solicitor, HKSAR
Messrs Michael Ma & Co., Solicitors
I, LAI MAN YEE, Probate Clerk of 38th Floor, Pearl Oriental House, No. 60 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong, do solemnly and sincerely affirm