Probation is a commonly used community based treatment program that is ordered by the courts to a juvenile that is not considered a threat to society and did not commit a violent crime. Probation can consist of any amount…
Probation is a sanction that a court orders to allow an individual who commits a crime to stay in the community without serving his jail term. However, an individual is not totally free during probation as he remains under the supervision of a probation officer (Prince William County, 2014). There are restrictions that the probationer must observe, and it is the duty of the probation officer to supervise the probationer so that he adheres to the restrictions. There are intricacies of probation, and if the probationer violates the restrictions, the probation officer reports him to the court for the appropriate action. Some of the restrictions that the probationer observes include restriction from handling weapons, abusing drugs or alcohol, and reporting to the probation officer, among other rules. If the probationer fails to adhere to the restrictions, it is the duty of the probation officer to report to the judge. The judge punishes the probationer by putting sanctions such as a jail-term, community service, restitution, and fines on the probationer (Prince William County, 2014).…
Probation and Parole are community corrections that involve supervision outside of incarceration. Probation is a sentence given by a probate judge who allows an inmate to remain in the community; however, there is a certain period of time that the defender is allowed on probation. As long as the person complies with the rules, he or she will not be sentenced to jail or prison. On the other hand, if the accused do not follow the judge’s instructions chances are, he or she will definitely be incapacitated.…
These kids get of probation and are put right back into the environment that got them in trouble, so they end up right back in trouble. After probation there is little anyone does to help their safety, and also their education. No teenager likes school and when you don’t have parental vision that cares about your future then usually the kid doesn’t care either. Fran had a kid who got off probation a 3 weeks after he turned 18, and a month later that kid is in jail and is most likely going to serve more than a…
Before 1980, life without parole was very rarely imposed on children. In today’s society we are consumed with the idea of keeping everyone safe; this has led to a high incarceration rate, especially with minors. In America, currently 2,225 minors are sentenced to life without parole before they turn eighteen. The criminal justice system works on a three strike system, which means you have three minor offenses before you go to jail. Also with the strikes, you are judged on if your crime was of passion or pre-meditated. In the past the issue in judging each situation was that sometimes “children” or minors were charged as adults, due to mandatory minimum sentencing. This is no longer the issue because in 2012, the Supreme Court case (Miller v. Alabama) found mandatory minimum sentencing unconstitutional under the 8th amendment, (which bans cruel and unusual punishments). The problem now is what the Supreme Court forgot to address in there ruling; does this ruling apply to the roughly three hundred adults serving life without parole that were sentenced as juveniles. Adolfo Davis is the leading case that is addressing…
Sentencing is an “imposition of a penalty on a person convicted of a crime” (Schmalleger, 2014). Generally, sentencing is the last thing that occurs when an offender charged with a crime and the trial has ended. During a trial, each side will argue their case in front of a jury (if it is a jury trial); at which time said jury would deliberate and return with a verdict. Once the verdict comes back to the court, a date is set for sentencing. According to our textbook, “most sentencing decisions are made by the judge” (Schmalleger, 2014), there have been exceptions to this rule when there is the possibility of a death sentence at which time the jury may be involved.…
A description of the process the juvenile will follow after arrest, from intake, through court, sentencing, and punishment or rehabilitation. The process should be based on actual state laws and practices of your state or a state in which you are familiar. I will be using Case study two which is as follows: Xander L. is a 17-year-old African American male and documented gang member. His prior juvenile adjudications include purse snatching, breaking and entering, and drug possession. His first juvenile adjudication occurred when he was 13 years old. He has served a year of custody in the juvenile correctional facility and has been placed on probation twice previously. His instant arrest is for possession of a concealed weapon, to which he has pled guilty.…
The U.S. stands alone as the only country that sentence people to life without parole for crimes committed turning 18. Most of the approximately 3,000 individuals sentenced to life without possibility of parole now have a chance for release in the wake of recent Supreme Court decisions. The choice to allow teenagers to receive the harshest available sentence is not shared among all states. I believe they should receive life without parole if they committed any murder because it is the law and they broke it. Also another reason, is because it is the victim and the family of the victims right to press charges. Lastly, they are deterrent to crime under the age of 18. Nineteen states and the district of Columbia do not have any prisoners serving life without parole for crimes committed as juveniles, either due to laws prohibiting the sentence or because there are no individuals serving the sentence at this time.…
Mary Elliott, I agree that the punishment must fit the crime regardless of the age but there are other things to consider such as giving the death penalty or life without parole for the juvenile who has committed a violent murder intentionally. Mental Health America feels that juvenile offenders should not be given the death penalty or life without parole because these sentences are inconsistent with the purposes that normally guide sentencing such as deterrence, retribution, incapacitation, or rehabilitation (Position statement 58, 2017).…
5. What is the education level of the juvenile incarcerated in the state of Alabama?…
Rehabilitation for juveniles has been on a decline for the last 20 years. This is because many people consider that juvenile crimes are getting worse and the kids need to be disciplined1. Unfortunately this has backfired in a bad way, because the juvenile crime problem has not been stemmed by this means. In fact it has increased and juvenile crimes are on the rise.…
Crimes in the United States have exceeded in the past years. Crimes such as murder, theft, or assault and, believe it or not, these crimes are being committed by young children. Now the court system is trying to put young children in adult prisons, but that is unacceptable. Juvenile criminals should not receive the same punishment as adults because they have a higher chance of getting raped or killed, they are still too immature, and they are more likely to commit a crime again.…
Probation officers are members of the criminal justice system whose purpose is to supervise offenders to ensure that they are following court orders and are on good behaviour for a period of time (Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, 2016). Youth probation officers work in the community to regulate and maintain the order of juvenile offenders. The goals are to prevent youth offenders from reoffending and to help them find a positive role in society. According to Umamaheswar (2013), to build a better relationship with the youth offenders, the probation officers will refer to them as “clients.” In the city of Toronto, youth probation officers have participated in programs and have effectively worked with youth but there are…
Persons convicted of crimes committed below the age of 18 enter adult jails and prisons while still children or as the youngest of adults. The US supreme court has recognized that a youth offender serves a higher percentage of his life in prison than an adult offender. About 200,000 people ages 24 and younger leave juvenile facilities or prisons every year.…
60% of the children in juvenile are awaiting trial. I find it interesting that a child as young as 6 years old can go to juvenile and a child as young as 16 be tried as an adult in court and sent away to prison. Some of the crimes these young children commit should not be committed. Majority of the crimes happen because they rather are in juvenile detention centers rather than home. They find the detention centers more like comfort zones. What can we do as a community to stop these crimes from happening? Why do children feel more comfortable in detention rather than at home?…