(Transition: What I’m going to talk to you about now is about our Friends and Relationships)
2. Did you know friends and personal relationships affect you decisions. A. All our decisions in school are being affected by our relationships, that includes friends, family, boyfriend’s, girlfriend 's, all of the people we decide to surround our self 's with (yourlife.usatoday.com, 2011). B. According to USATODAY.com "The relationship game among college-age adults today is a muddle of seemingly contradictory trends. Recent studies indicate that traditional dating on campuses has taken a back seat to no-strings relationships in which bonds between young men and women are increasingly brief and sexual” (yourlife.usatoday.com, 2011). C. Also according to USATODAY.com many college students are not interested in serious relationships because they want to study abroad, leave town for internships or go to graduate school, or they consider it to mush of a hassle. In CollegeNET.com 10/14 people agreed that your friends affect the decisions you make in school and out of school. (yourlife.usatoday.com, 2011). D. According to one of the people that posted username (Anonymous) "the environment
References: Collegenet.com (2008). Do friends have an affect on choices you make? Retrieved from http://www.collegenet.com/elect/app/app?service=external/Forum&sp=9890. Sharon, J. (2011). More college “hookups,” but more virgins, too. Retrieved from http://yourlife.usatoday.com/sex-relationships/dating/story/2011/03/More-hookups-on-campuses-but-more-virgins-too/45556388/1. Jodi, L (2012). Alcohol college student’s statistics. Retrieved from http://www.womensforum.com/alcohol-college-students-statistics.html. Jackie, B. (2010). Sobering statistics on college drinking. Retrieved from http://youngadults.about.com/od/healthandsafety/a/Alcohol.htm . Higheredcenter.org (2012). Prescription drug abuse among college students. Retrieved from http://www.higheredcenter.org/services/assistance/topics/prescription-drug-abuse-among-college-students-0. Garfield, G (2012). 10 common problems students face during college. Retrieved from http://garfieldgates.hubpages.com/hub/common-problems-for-college-students. Healthcenter.ucus.edu (2012). What are the most common reasons college students seek care. Retrieved from http://healthcenter.ucsc.edu/sick/common-reasons.shtml. RNcentral.com (2008) 101 health & wellness Tips for college students. Retrieved from http://www.rncentral.com/nursing-library/careplans/101_health_and_wellness_tips_for_college_students.