Littering is also a big problem in Lithuania. Even though it seems like people are being informed a lot about consequences of littering, ignoring that they still leave the rubbish in public places, parks, beaches, forests and not trying to accept that their contribute to whole world’s pollution.
Such behavior causes many environmental problems.
Litter on the ground often finds its way to the waterways. Litter can clog up storm drains and harm the water quality. Since the majority of litter don't easily break down, it eventually finds its way to the rivers, lakes and oceans.
Litter in the oceans and on land become harmful to birds, fish, mammals and reptiles that may get caught up in the debris or unintentionally ingest harmful objects. 267 marine animal species are known to have suffered from entanglement or ingestion of debris in the oceans, including fish, seabirds, seals, sea lions, turtles and even whales.
Litter also directly affects the areas where humans live. Litter not only makes neighborhoods look bad -- but it can build up and attract insects and rodents, which bring carry germs and disease. Litter, such as broken glass or scrap metal, can also cause physical harm.
Lastly , it impacts the economy. For example, houses in littered neighborhoods sell for less money than those in unlittered neighborhoods. Cleaner communities have a better chance of attracting new businesses, residents and tourists. Moreover, much of what is thrown away or littered could have been recycled and is thus a lost resource. Moreover, the government spends millions to clean it.
Instead of only focusing on getting rid of the