Professor Peter Parker
English A100 #21944 / Mon Wends
Sep 9 2012 subject What do you think which instructional method is better? Banking education? Problem-posing education? Through our textbook, we knew what Freire wanted to say, and we could realize that. However, I want to focus on the more exact concept by showing on my educational experience. And then I want to prove that Problem-posing education is better than Banking education.
First of all, I want to briefly say what Banking method is. In Banking education, teachers lead the students to memorize mechanically the content and they consider students as empty containers where teachers deposit knowledge. Also, students listen meekly.
I think Korea educational style and other country educational styles are different. It is good to compare those styles to know the point. In Korea, many students learn by rote. It is education which drills fixed educational content …show more content…
My first goal in middle school was to enter a good, famous, and prestige high school. In Korea society, it still matters which university you graduated from and the ties you have with other alumni. Because of this reason, I should enter the prestige school. It made me mechanical. Any subject was Banking education. For example, there was an English class. When I learned the past tense form of the verb, my teacher just taught me all things through grammar. There were no activities. The teacher made me passive. I was just received, memorized, and repeated. If teacher taught the form by communicating with classmates, it would be easily comprehensible. At that time, I thought that the instructional method was correct because nobody was skeptical. Even my parents also taught me this method. Later, I realized this method was not good. It didn't increase my communicative ability. It helped only a reading ability. However, it's popular because there is no burden to teachers when they