2. Should be make students understand about the SOTUS system, consistent with the real purpose of this system for use correct and clear. Such as (S) Seniority is to respect your elders, the realization of a youth younger, modest knowledge and experience when receive instruction from a senior but some people make meaning errors into S from the word Stupid, (O) by the words Out-Dated, (T) short of Tyranny, (U) came from Uncivilized and finally (S) came from the Stop etc. The meanings of them are wrong from the real, its make this system doesn’t work because of the misunderstanding.
3. Seniors, who work in these agencies, should have a good planning and thoughtful; because most kids are so extremism. Seniors must provide a solution of a problem that may occur during work well, and should be explained to the juniors listen calmly when violent events occur for avoid escape.
4. The senior should be a good pattern for the freshmen to follow.
5. We should keep the good parts from the SOTUS system. If something is bad, we have to fix to be good.
6.The senior should teach the freshmen to love each others or create the activity from improve their relation.
7. The best thing to solve this problem is arrange interest activities to attract
freshmen as much as you can. For make the unity among freshmen and
8. If you ask that SOTUS not strong enough, it make tuition between seniors