August 23, 2012
Problem Solving Procedure: The Anatomy of Hate, the Dialogue of Hope.
STEP 1: Identify the Problem
Why do people hate each other? Why do some people think they are better than others? Because they are from different places, look different, have different religion, philosophy or because the hate is passed and taught from one generation to another based off historic events that people can’t forget. None of this justifies the killing of human lives. Hate is the most poisonous conflict of our time. First of, we have the White Supremacist Movement in Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Latin America, and South Africa. Second, are the Christian Fundamentalism as an anti-gay platform in The Unite States discriminating against homo-sexual. Third, are the Muslim Extremists in the Middle East since the late 19th century, Israeli Settlers and Soldiers, and US Forces in Iraq (this century). These conflicts had been led by people with closed minds, not willing to use dialogue as assertive communication, and see the world in a confrontational style to win at expenses of others.
What I found in this documentary is that the aggressive people involved in these conflicts, have been manipulated by family and leaders (politicians) since their childhood and youth by using the name of God in some cases, nationalism, and other cultural connotations as rationalizations for this madness and insanity with the ideology of hate. They see others like enemies building the cycles of violence and hate, using primitive irrational acts and reactions. Like Philosopher Sam Keem said “People educate people to hate, hate is training”. On the other hand the victims paying with their life , struggle of ideological and economical defense, with no right to defend their values and principles or participate in the agreement to end the conflict.
STEP 2: Analyze the Problem
What is the origin of all those historic conflicts? First of