“Problems and it’s expected solutions of Human Resources Policies and Practices of Shahajalal Islami Bank Ltd: A Comparative analysis between Shahajalal Islami Bank & Brac Bank Ltd.”
Submitted To
Tarafder Md. Mehedi-Al-Masud
School of Business Studies
Southeast University
Submitted By
Nusrath Nipa
Batch: 21st, Section: HRM (A)
Southeast University
Southeast University
Date of Submission: 05 January, 2013
5th January, 2013
Mr. Tarafder Md. Mehedi-Al-Masud
Lecturer, BBA Program
School of Business Studies
Southeast University
Subject: Submission Of Internship Report On “Problems and it’s expected solutions of Human Resources Policies and Practices of Shahajalal Islami Bank Ltd: A Comparative analysis between Shahajalal Islami Bank & Brac Bank Ltd.”
Dear Sir,
It’s my pleasure to submit the internship report on “Problems and it’s expected solutions of Human Resources Policies and Practices of Shahajalal Islami Bank Ltd: A Comparative analysis between Shahajalal Islami Bank & Brac Bank Ltd.” I would like to thank you for approving this valuable topic. The study has given me the opportunity to get a deeper insight and use my theoretical knowledge in practical world. This is to inform you that I have successfully completed my internship at Shahjalal Islami Bank Ltd. During my stay there, I was working in the Human Resource Division. Under the Head of HRD. It has been a great Privilege to work under such a friendly environment and it creates opportunity for me to learn many practical and confidential things.
The study focuses upon very relevant factors. I have provided some Implement able recommendation. The Study also contain detail modality plan for the pilot project.
Finally, thank you for your supportive thought and kind consideration for formulating an idea and developing the structure of the paper. I would try my best and shall be obliged to provide you with any
References: * McBey, Kenneth J. and Belcourt, Monica. (2008). Strategic Human Resource Planning, Forth Edition,United States, Nelson Education ltd, * Service Rule (2007) b. Tk. 15000 to Tk. 40000 c d. Tk. 90000 to and above 2